Effectful banner picture location haarfreiheit mannheim - smooth skin without hair for him and her
Logo Haarfreiheit Mannheim - dauerhafte Haarentfernung

innovative technology


in Mannheim

with your expert

Haarfreiheit Mannheim | The leading provider in the region for permanent* hair removal

COMPETENCE and MOST MODERN light and laser technology

✔ medical & cosmetic professionals ✔ no adhesion contracts ✔ almost all skin and hair types ✔ best technology ✔ all technologies available on the market ✔ medical cooperation ✔ painless treatment ✔ over 100.000 treatments ✔ over 15 years of experience
Button XENOgel Technology
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service quality at Haarfreiheit

Auszeichnung von Proven Expert als Top Dienstleister Haarfreiheit Badge-Grafik
Grafik Kundenempfehlungen Proven Expert für Haarfreiheit
Grafik ausgezeichnet.org als Top Dienstleister Haarfreiheit
dauerhafte Haarentfernung Mannheim NiSV zertifiziert Abzeichen

in Mannheim

hightes customer satisfaction
best technology innovation
painless treatments

Auszeichnung von Proven Expert als Top Dienstleister Haarfreiheit Badge-Grafik
Grafik Kundenempfehlungen Proven Expert für Haarfreiheit
Grafik ausgezeichnet.org als Top Dienstleister Haarfreiheit
dauerhafte Haarentfernung Mannheim NiSV zertifiziert Abzeichen

Your expert for permanent hair removal in Mannheim

The daily removal of hair at home with the razor can be very laborious. In addition, it has to be repeated constantly. This not only takes time, but unfortunately leads to stubble formation again too quickly. In addition, redness of the skin is not uncommon. Other methods such as growing are not only time consuming, but also painful. With Hair Free, choose a way to remove hair and hairs permanently* and painlessly.

Hairlessness stands for quality and customer satisfaction. You can therefore look forward to excellent service and the best support from our certified and trained specialists.


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✔ medical & cosmetic professionals
✔ medical cooperation
✔ no adhesion contracts
✔ almost all skin and hair types
✔ best technology
✔ all technologies available on the market
✔ painless treatment
✔ over 100.000 treatments
✔ over 15 years of experience

Background armpits treatment
Button to Click - all technologies graphic

Every light technology in Mannheim

Thanks to the permanent hair removal* with the photo epilation you won’t have to worry about annoying hair – no matter which part of your body.

Many advantages with Haarfreiheit in Mannheim

medical cooperation

Always be well looked after. Through our specialized staff and the support of our medical cooperation partner you will get the best care around the topic of permanent hair removal*. Her many years of practical experience also give you the opportunity an answer to even complicated questions. If a takeover of the treatment costs by the health insurance was promised, our cooperation partner is also in contact with them in order to discuss the further procedure.

Haarfreiheit Mannheim wants you to receive the best service in permanent hair removal* treatment.This can only be done with the best support. Thus, our professional staff is optimally supported by our medical cooperation partner. Learn more about our team of experts on the following pages.

medical & cosmetic professionals

In our institute, you will be looked after by medical assistants and cosmetic professionals in order to be able to offer you the best possible care. To professionally and effectively remove hair not only the best technology is required, but also a team of experts around our medical ooperation partner, which have optimal knowledge of skin and hair texture.

In addition to the medical know-how, knowledge of the technology is indispensable. So our employees are always trained both in theory and in practice to provide you with an optimal treatment.

High customer satisfaction

Trust our expertise and our professionalism like many other customers and let the results inspire you.

Sometimes it is difficult to decide for a permanent hair removal* treatment. It has to be considered whether a permanent removal* is even wanted and if so, whether the treatment is also carried out properly.

Previous experiences of customers are very helpful. We can look forward to a particularly high level of customer satisfaction. This results from the excellent service around hair removal as well as the professional implementation of the individual treatments.

The revolutionary XENOgel Technology

We especially recommend the XENOgel® Technology. In addition, we have been approached by our customers on various other technologies for performing permanent hair removal* with light. As we are always committed to your satisfaction and to be able to provide the best service, we have decided to offer you just every technology available on the market for permanent hair removal with light.

Find the right technique together with us to get rid of annoying hair once and for all. Because we have all technologies – XENOgel | SHR | IPL | Diode laser | Alexandrite laser | ND: YAG laser

Separation line location icon

Our institute is located in the Medicenter Mannheim in the Quadrat M7 near the water tower and the main railway station.

Arzt Beratung Haarfreiheit Kooperation ärztlich

Competent service for hair removal with medical and cosmetic specialists and a medical cooperation partner ensures optimal care.

Banner picture for the block individual and fair prices at Haarfreiheit Mannheim - permanent hair removal
Treatment pricing starting point photo collage

Individual and fair prices

Personal packages and flexible payment

Enjoy your treatment at fair prices. Combine individual body regions with each other and benefit from affordable package prices. You also have the option to pay the costs conveniently in monthly installments. With Haarfreiheit in Mannheim you enjoy full flexibility.

Graphic installments photo collage
Light reflexes background permanent hair removal Mannheim
Technology Location Haarfreiheit Mannheim - permanent hair removal

All lighting technologies in Mannheim

We specialize in depilation using light and laser in Mannheim. Thanks to our expertise and our many years of experience, we rid you of annoying hair with every lighting technology available on the market. Therefore, you can feel comfortable and safe with us at all times. Never* have to worry about annoying hair again – no matter where on your body.


Specialist team

Years of experience in the field of medicine make the cooperating specialists our best contact. Best care thanks to medical expertise.


professional staff

Only with the best staff the best results are reachable. Our medical and cosmetic staff contributes to this and is always a welcoming contact person for all your questions regarding permanent hair removal* in Mannheim.


all technologies

Permanent hair removal* via photoepilation can be performed with different methods. We offer you every, on the market available, technology and find the most suitable for you.

Opening hours

Monday8:00 – 22:00
Thuesday8:00 – 22:00
Wednesday8:00 – 22:00
Thursday8:00 – 22:00
Friday8:00 – 22:00
Saturday9:00 – 16:00
dunkel lila Hintergrund mit Wabenmuster

The team welcomes you
to the Mannheim institute

Background with several treatmens
dauerhafte Haarentfernung Mannheim NiSV zertifiziert Abzeichen

Our specialized NiSV certified

The NiSV is a state ordinance for protection against harmful effects of non-ionizing radiation when applied to humans.

Of course, our specialist staff is trained and certified in accordance with this law. The comprehensive training ensures proper handling of technologies and ensures proper responsibility and education on the subject of permanent hair removal by means of light & laser. So you can always feel safe and in good hands with hairlessness.

Trust in our expertise.

Team Saskia


Team Anna


Bild von Ann-Cathrin im Stehen


Team Felicia


Background to contact for a consultation appointment for permanent hair removal

Here you can arrange
your free consultation

Arrange a personal and free consultation with our specialist staff in Mannheim or at another of our locations. Learn all about the costs of permanent hair removal at the body parts you want. In addition, together we will find the best method for permanent removal of your hair, tailored to your needs.

    Privacy Policy
    “By submitting this form, I agree that my details from the contact form may be collected and processed in order to respond to my inquiry. The data will be deleted after your request has been processed. Note: You can revoke your consent for the future at any time by sending an e-mail to info@haarfreiheit-mannheim.de. Detailed information on the handling of user data can be found in our privacy policy**.”

    Banner Onlinebuchen Mannheim
    Logo Appointment App and Online Booking

    Easily and conveniently book your consultation or treatment online with Haarfreiheit’s online booking service.

    Create an account quickly and easily to schedule your free consultation or your next treatment appointment. Keep track of everything with your personalized appointment overview and instantly see which staff members and time slots are available on the calendar. The online booking feature is also available on your Haarfreiheit app!

    Beratungs Icon

    You are a new customer?
    Please book a free & non-binding consultation
    before making an appointment for your first treatment.

    Scan or click the QR code below.

    Haarfreiheit App QR App-Store Link

    Your satisfaction
    is important to us

    Smooth skin for women and men

    Smooth and shiny skin in a wide variety of body regions is becoming increasingly popular among women and men. Because it gives a satisfied and happy attitude to life. Hair reduction is therefore indispensable in today’s times.

    Which technique is suitable for permanent hair removal?

    The common methods of removing hair growth such as shaving, waxing or epilation are time-consuming and painful. In addition, the respective process must be constantly repeated. Hair removal with laser or light is therefore becoming increasingly popular.

    Especially with the XENOgel® Technology we can offer you an effective and painless solution for permanent hair removal. The XENOgel® Technology allows a treatment of all hair and skin types. This process combines the latest photoepilation technology with a coordinated crystal gel treatment.

    Info graphic skin section mode of action photoepilation

    Effect of energy in XENOgel® Technology

    To explain more precisely how technology works, we refer to energy. In contrast to other techniques, only 50% of the energy of the light pulses is transmitted to the hair root via melanin (dye). Because the remaining 50% reach the hair root via the stem cells. This prevents the new production of the hair.

    As a result, XENOgel® Technology can permanently remove body hair* on both dark and light skin.

    Impressive background Home page Mannheim

    Questions about Haarfreiheit Mannheim – permanent hair removal

    Separator Questionblock

    “Is the treatment associated with pain?”

    No, XENOgel® Technology is not associated with pain. Our clients only feel a feeling of warmth on the skin during the treatment, which is often even perceived as pleasant.

    “Do the treatments have to be done at regular intervals?”

    Yes absolutely, because the hair grows in cycles and can only be treated in a certain cycle. Only between 10% and 20% of hair can be treated per treatment. These are those that are currently in the growth phase. A growth cycle lasts between 4 and 6 weeks. Therefore, the treatment must be repeated regularly every 4-6 weeks to achieve an optimal result.

    “Are there discounted prices for students at Haarfreiheit Mannheim?”

    Do you have further questions about permanent hair removal at Haarfreiheit Mannheim?

    Opinions and reports of TV celebrities
    for permanent hair removal *
    with haarfreiheit

    Hintergrundbild Josua
    Bild Josua Maria
    Youtube Link Josua Interview

    Jousa Maria

    “My experience with hair removal – mega awesome! – Since the first treatment, I started with my armpits (…) I never shaved again. I did it every 4 weeks and I always checked it, but almost nothing grew back. I don’t feel like shaving anymore. Even when I was on holiday, I didn’t have to shave. Less and less from session to session (…) and that saves time and nerves. ” Josua Maria (26): TV-Celebrity “Love Island”, Influencer

    Hintergrundbild Aurelia
    Bild Aurelia Lamprecht
    Youtube Link Aurelia Lamprecht Interview

    Aurelia Lamprecht

    “I shaved normally before that, but it always grew back very quickly – so it wasn’t the best thing. I’ve had my legs and armpits lasered (…) and I’m actually already completely hairless (…) which is also a huge quality of life for me – because it just makes a huge difference and as a tip I’d just say that you shave two days before and then always cremate well and in any case you don’t have to be afraid – it doesn’t hurt.” Aurelia Lamprecht (25): TV-Celebrity “Love Island”, Influencerin

    Hintergrundbild Iris
    Bild Iris Klein
    Youtube Link Iris Klein Interview

    Iris Klein

    “It really didn’t hurt, there was a gel over it and there are also different stages. We started with the smallest step and then increased and after the second treatment the hair was already less and after the 8th treatment I was off with hair.” Iris Klein (55): Mother of Daniela Katzenberger and Jenny Frankhauser, Influencerin

    Hintergrundbild Peter
    Bild Peter Klein
    Youtube Link Peter Klein Interview

    Peter Klein

    “Nobody/ no man have to be ashamed, so if you have hair and want it gone, either you take on the annoying procedure of shaving or (…) you get professional help and go to someone who removes it permanently – that’s the better way in my eyes. You want to look good.” Peter Klein (63): Self-made man, Craftsman from Mallorca, Influencer

    C O N T A C T
    C O N T A C T

    Give us a call or write to us:


    Phone: 0621 / 58 67 490


    WhatsApp: 0621 58 67 490


    e-Mail: info@haarfreiheit-mannheim.de


    Online Booking Service
    Appointment & Consultation