SHR hair removal
in Mannheim
super hair removal
Would you like to have your hair removed permanently* with the help of SHR? With your hair-free expert in Mannheim you are just right for this. Many customers have already had very positive experiences with SHR and haarfreiheit.
the term SHR
SHR stands for „Super Hair Removal” and marks the most innovative technology for permanent hair removal. The term does not describe a specific product or brand.
SHR uses unbundled light, so that a larger body surface can be treated with only few light impulses. Our devices usually work with a wavelength of 690 nm. For the applicator we use a high-value anti-glare sapphire glass.The basis of this technique is unbundled light. Therefore, during every impulse a relatively large surface can be treated. The wavelength range of our used devices is usually about 690 nm. The applicator is equipped with a special anti-glare sapphire glass. This method is especially gentle to the skin, because a water filter separates high infrared-areas from the remaining areas, so that a higher temperature is avoided. In this way the risk of burning is minimized.
Method of the SHR hair removal
What makes SHR different from other techniques?
Contrary to the IPL method, the body area, which is to be treated, is touched repeatedly with the laser-applicator, so that the skin is slowly heated up. The temperatures only reach up to 45° Celsius, in contrast to the IPL the energy is significantly reduced. With the SHR treatment there is only a low risk of skin irritations. Finally, this method offers an innovative technique for a painless and permanent hair removal, the warming of the skin is even felt as relaxing. A permanent hair removal is possible due to the permanent destruction of proteins.
Another contrast to the IPL-technique is that light is transmitted only to 50 percent via the melanin, which makes the SHR method much gentler. The light impulses are transported to the stem cells, so that the hair roots are destroyed permanently*. Since the nutrients for the hair growth disappear, due to the destruction of the stem cells, hair roots cannot regenerate.
Special features of SHR hair removal
During a SHR treatment the temperature is slowly raised by gliding over the area with the applicator. Eventually skin, hair and stem cells are heated up to about 45° Celsius. For destroying the stem cells effectively, an active juncture of the hair and root is necessary (angene phase). Thus, the light can be transported via the hair to the hair root and stem cells. If the stem cells are heated up to a certain temperature, the contained protein is irreversibly damaged. Since the hair are not provided with any nutrients, they fall out after the treatment.
Important information regarding SHR hair removal
What should I consider before the SHR treatment in Mannheim?
Before and after the treatment the hair can be shaved but should not be epilated or plucked. Waxing the hair should also be avoided. With those methods the hair root is removed, which destroys the connection to the stem cells, so that the light impulses cannot reach the contained protein. The sessions take place all 4 weeks at the earliest, because the hair regrows in this period and ultimately reaches its anagen phase.
During a shave the hair is only removed up to the skin surface, therefore the “bridge” to the stem cells is not damaged, so that an effective treatment is still possible. Furthermore, we advise you to shave the relevant area on the day before the treatment, this way the skin can recover up to the agreed date. Hereby skin irritations during the treatment can be avoided.
What cannot be treated with SHR?
Tattooed skin unfortunately cannot be treated, since the light impulses could affect the colour, which is stored under the skin. This could affect the health of our patients. Therefore, tattoos are generally avoided.
With Punctual skin pigments (e.g. birthmarks (nevus)) there has also be payed particular caution, because in those the dye melanin occurs in a high concentration. Hereby those pigments would be affected way more intensely than the regular skin. Since we absolutely want to avoid such damage to the skin, we cover those areas with an opaque cloth, that way they will not be treated.