Background muscular man with smooth skin
Photo body region man shoulders and back permanent hair removal

Permanent* hair removal on

Disturbing hair on shoulders and back is a problem for many men. The care of this area is particularly difficult because the areas are hard to reach with the razor. Thanks to your experts at Haarfreiheit in Mannheim, hair removal is easy and permanent*.

Hair on the back

How to get rid of disturbing hair growth

Many men struggle with excessive hair growth in areas of the body that are difficult to reach with regular hair removal methods such as razors. This is usually associated with a lot of effort and also takes a lot of time until all areas on the back are shaved smooth. Often the only way to get rid of all those hair is to use a mirror. Nevertheless, it is usual that not every hair can be removed, which you or your partner will notice later.

The main disadvantage of shaving is that the hair on the shoulders and back regrows after a short time and the whole process has to be repeated. This is completely different with permanent* hair removal at your competent Haarfreiheit partner in the Mannheim Institute. Here we free you from annoying hair growth effectively and painlessly with permanent* results.

photo smooth skin on back and shoulders men

Hair removal without pain

With the help of the best technology, the best results can be achieved. Get to know us and our technology in a free consultation and look forward to the fact that the razor will no longer be needed in the future. Cuts or redness that can be caused by shaving are a thing of the past. The treatment with light itself is not only effective, but also painless thanks to an innovative cooling system. The treatment only creates a feeling of warmth.

Photo collage smooth skin on back and shoulders time saving by laser hair removal

Enjoy more time

More time without shaving

Smooth skin on the back or shoulders is important for many men in order to have a well-groomed appearance. This requires a great deal of time, because shaving the hard-to-reach areas is time-consuming. Imagine if you could save yourself this time completely and still have a well-groomed appearance. With permanent hair removal* by our experts, this is not just an idea.

Fotoset Behandlung Expertise beim Mann Rücken Schultern Photoepilation

Professional service

It is important to us that you feel comfortable during your visit. You should also be able to enjoy a moment of relaxation. Friendliness is therefore very important to us in addition to our claim to professionalism. We would be happy to advise you in a free and individual consultation about the possibilities of hair removal at Haarfreiheit in Mannheim.


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Phone: 0621 / 58 67 490


WhatsApp: 0621 58 67 490




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